The BLVD Mixed-Use

Client: Sares Regis
Location: Woodland Hills (City of Los Angeles)
Scope of Work:
Due Diligence
Entitlement Planning
Schematic Design
Tentative Map
Grading and Drainage Plans
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Hydrology and Water Quality Plans/Reports(SUSMP)
Storm Drain Plans
Composite Utility Plans
Street Plans
Traffic Signal Plans
Construction Administrations
Survey Control/Construction Staking
The BLVD is a 340-unit, mixed-use luxury apartment development with ground floor retail including eight live-work lofts. The LEED certified project included complex hillside grading design with two, 4-story wrap buidling over approximately 8 acres. Diamond West was involved in this project from due diligence and schematic design through construction admistration.